final noteの例文


  1. so i'm going to leave you with a final note
  2. but i think the final note really is
  3. and , on a final note
    最後に これをご紹介しましょう
  4. this morning , the british ambassador in berlin handed the german government a final note , stating that unless we heard from them by 11 o'clock , a state of war would exist between us .
    《今朝》 《ベルリン駐在の英国大使は ドイツ政府に対し》 《11時までに返答なき場合 宣戦布告する旨の》


  1. "final message"の例文
  2. "final military victory"の例文
  3. "final mission"の例文
  4. "final money"の例文
  5. "final month of pregnancy"の例文
  6. "final number"の例文
  7. "final number of a magazine"の例文
  8. "final of the national high school baseball invitational tournament"の例文
  9. "final offer"の例文
  10. "final money"の例文
  11. "final month of pregnancy"の例文
  12. "final number"の例文
  13. "final number of a magazine"の例文

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